Where are The Mountains? : Article published on Weeklynepal.com

Where are the Mountains ? 0 KATHMANDU : The mountains- A home to 13% world’s population, a chunk of 24% of global land coverage, a supporting system to numerous ecosystem and people, and a most vulnerable natures heritage to climate change. But still an issue waiting for its turn to be highlighted, an issue waiting to be discussed upon , the place waiting to be conserved, the Himalayas- a place looking for continuation of its existence. And Nepal, the land of mountains, still, a country powerless of raising mountain issues in global platform. Nepal is a mountainous country situated at the central Himalayas has 23 % of land lying in snowline. 3.6% of Nepal’s total area is covered with glaciers and about 10% of Nepal’s precipitation falls as snow. Climate here is influenced by mountains and south Asian monsoon, while Eastern Himalayas of Nepal is considered to be biodiversity hotspot, which indicates to be very rich in biodiversity falling in 25th position globally and 11...