
Showing posts from April 7, 2014


Every day while walking on the roads of kathmandu i always had a curiosity being an Environmental student"why isn't the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the extended road of kathamandu being done?, if the assessment has been done where are the mitigation measures applied to control pollution?". While lately the thing stroked in my mind, at the very situation we need to be concerned about the measurement of air pollution and at which level we are facing it day to day, how and at what level is it affecting our health. In 2002,  at the six stations the deviceS were installed to measure the air pollution parameters: patan, thamel, putalisadak, bhaktapur, kritipur and matsyagaun. But as i am doing a surface research on "Analysis of air pollution measurement devices installed by DANIDA", came to know that most of the devices are not working The following information is taken from ENPHO- progress report(2008) monitoring parameters stations ...