Climate varies according to the distance from the Earth's equator. It changes over long timeframe.  Today, Climate is changing; our planet is warming quickly than never before, Global warming is causing Earth's average temperature to increase.
The consequences of climate change as rising temperature, changes in precipitation, and rising sea level has greatest impact on human health. The impacts of climate change vary by geographical regions.
This year turned out to be the hottest ever recorded, scientist is reporting globally. Hotter days can include health problems such as dizziness, headache and fainting but heat stroke is more severe and requires medical treatment. Body temperature rises, skin dries and person gets unconscious.
The problem of heat-related health issues has been observed since past. Every year average of 688 deaths occurs only due to extreme heat (center for disease control). This year in India, heat wave caused death of more than 2500 people and 1200 in Pakistan.  
Wealthy countries are more likely adapt to climate change related disaster than poor countries. Even less economically fortune population suffer more because they are less likely to have facilities of air conditioning and insulated homes.  Some people are more vulnerable to illness such as infants, elderly people and cannot with stand hot temperature and poor air quality.
Due to unpredictable weather, intense rainfall, dry monsoon is causing various climatic disasters such as landslide, flood, GLOF etc. Loss in biodiversity as a result of climate change, decrease in crop yields, droughts, wildfire leading to deforestation which helps in absorbing excess of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Thus, perpetuating cycle in which warmer temperature wreak atmospheric havoc. This as a result is also threat to epidemic diseases in developing countries.
With rising sea levels, salt water can seep into groundwater tables and mix in the drinking water supply, and can also displace populations in low-lying areas.
These are just the example of consequences the changing climate in health but what about the health effects that is caused by the climate change causing agents , GHG 's. Sunlight, warm air and pollution from power plants, coal gasoline and vehicles combines to produce ground level ozone known as smog. Which exposure is harmful to human health and is experienced as poor air quality. People who are living in poor air quality are greater risk from poor air quality days in the future.
Not only in human high concentration of carbon dioxide and warmer temperature in atmosphere stimulates some plants to grow faster and produce more allergens. The most common and chronic diseases that can lead to lower productivity.  
Countries are concerned towards December, COP 21 summit where every country is going to commit to reduce emission rate at its best by mitigation and adaptation approach. In case of health issue in long term mitigation is the solution to eliminate the effects of climate change but for instant solution adaptation strategies must be developed in order to overcome these effects of climatic disaster.
However the cost of coping with health risk linked to climate change are higher but better planning, strategies, policy, investment can help communities become more resilient in warming world.  


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