When will we see value in Recycling materials???????????
Solid waste collected from Kathmandu is dumbed near Bisnumati
River by KMC, and then it is taken to sisdol for further treatment but without
any separation of non-degradable waste. The scrap owners near Bisnumati says
that if KMC would let them collect/separate solid waste at the first point, they
can at least reduce about 30 percent of the waste before dumping it to sisdol,
they even mentioned that dump contains valuable
waste worth Rs20,0000(per month)which could be recycled, re-used. Well the
saddest thing is that KMC doesn't allow them to separate non-degradable waste
at first point. So, they appoint many collectors who collect recyclable
material from sisdol. The collectors sale it to scrap owners and scrap owners
sale it to industries (most of the recycled material is taken to India by many
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