Climate change : a story through art!!
With all excitement and motivation first day with fruitfulness began from Bhirkutimandap where bus was waiting for all 100 participants. While trying to be punctual i reached before arrival time given by GPS(Global Power Shifter)Nepal team. It was weird to wait for my friends in between more than 30 participants whom i had never met before. Oh! Finally they arrived after 15 minutes thank god. As we got signal that we were about to begin our trip to Nagarkot we were smart enough to step first on the doubt that i reserved a corner window seat , a place where i feel good while travelling. Now this is where my story gets interesting. since we were 4 friends, one of my friend had to return to his home for a while due to some reason, but he would be back on his own in the training center, so we were three now, i had to sit alone on that seat ......after few minutes a girl came and asked me if anyone was seating by my side then i replied "no, you can seat". Now we w...
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