Inspired :)

Inpiring day indeed! I feel lucky that i got a chance to translate interviews with waste workers in Kathmandu and was able to gain more knowledge in depth, and also big thank you to Hedvig and Caroline as i was translating their research topic (Role of Formal and Informal sector for waste management in Kathmandu valley). Among all the interviews, one of the most inspiring and awakening interview was with Mrs. Tara Lama and Maya Lama.
Boudha Indreni mahila samuha was established 3 years ago with only 35 members and now it consists of 50 members who are contributing for a good cause. They initiated to clean the environment in tinchule 3 years from now, every Saturday they clean their area, ward no.6 which covers large area and difficult to clean. So, they have been collaborating with different youth clubs and other samuha for cleaning activity every Saturday. The most impressive thing about them is they have and have been trying to band plastic in their community. They use newspaper to make a paper bag and sack to make a jute bag which they have been promoting in their community and replacing it with plastic bags.
Tara Lama says plastics are non-degradable which are polluting our Environment. Reuse and Recycling of the material also has generated a source of income to their samuha and individuals. Tara Lama Mentioned that they haven't yet taken any training so far, it is their own knowledge that made them reuse and recycling of the materials rather they have trained others. Besides these work they clean their community every Saturday, they don't care about others perception towards them  because they have experienced that people don't understand what they are doing and for what reason, though they are able to make people support them than in earlier days. On Environment Day and other occasions they conduct awareness programs and rally. They have been collecting Rs.100 every month for utilizing it when needed for different activities.

Her reply to the question " How do you think the waste in Kathmandu can be properly managed? was:- the waste are of two kind non degradable and degradable, if we separate these waste at our own houses it will be easier for the waste collectors as well. For degradable waste we can compost it in our own home, we do not require space too and for non-degradable waste, we can find many dry waste collectors to whom we can sale or just give it for no cost, most important thing is that people should be aware about these things and which should be initiated by Kathmandu Municipal City. We need is a back support, now we are concentrating on small area but we wish we could bring changes in other areas too.

For me most inspiring about them was, they were not that educated neither they had any knowledge about Environmental issues and it's causes but they had gained knowledge from day to day life about the cause, impact and solution of the waste. It was their known concern and love towards their area that made them to clean and properly manage the waste. Even a small effort makes a great difference in our community no matter who we are what we are, the thing is benevolence towards each other and deep affliction in maintaining our Environment.


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